Area Code Spy Farmer Jones vs. The UFOs mGolfCard mLotteryBubbles mMineClear mReversi mSlotMachine mSolitaire mTipCalc MyCupid PassStore | Mobile ProductsQuickly find the location for the area code of people who have called. Lookup country dialing codes, too. More...
Farmer Jones is a fun arcade-style shooting game. Help Farmer jones defend his corn fields and cow's milk from the invading UFO!. More...
Score your golf game on the green! No cell connection is need to edit and save your scores. More...  
mLotteryBubbles is a fun way to pick your lottery numbers. Simply play the game and see what lucky numbers you are left with. If you win, you'll split it with us, right? More...
Try mMineClear and see if you have what it takes to navigate through mine ridden water. More...
Reversi (Othello) now in the palm of your hand. Sophistocated aritifical intelligence algorithms are used to make for challenging game play! If you think you are good at Reversi, then you need to try mReversi. Great for beginners (hints mode), too! More...
mSlotMachine is like having a casino in your phone. Play mulitple slot machines with two themes: Fruit and Space. More...
Solitaire now made for easy game play on your phone. mSolitaire features fast 2-button-press card movement, intuitive card selection and automatic magnification to prevent eye strain on small screens. Everyone who tries mSolitaire, becomes addicted to this game! More...
A handy tip calculator to use when out on the town. mTipCalc give the tip and double-checks the tax. It even calculates each person's fair share, so you don't get stuck with paying extra at business lunches. More... 
MyCupid is a game that makes love predictions. Maybe this can help you find your true love. More...
Store and protect all of your important passwords with ClariSource's PassStore. More...
| NewsSept. 6, 2005
Clarisource releases new application: AreaCodeSpy.
Dec. 20, 2004
We've added web demonstrations for mobile products to our website.
Sept. 7, 2004
Openwave is featuring Clarisource's mSlotMachine application for the month of September.
Aug. 20, 2004
Our website is re-designed with a new look and organization.
Aug. 5, 2004
Clarisource releases new application: mSolitaire. Available in 38 languages, standard and 30K versions.
July 8, 2004
Clarisource releases Spanish version of MyCupid.
July 7, 2004
Clarisource releases mReversi 1.12 upgrade with game timer, scroll bars and zoom modes. Available in English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, and Brazilian Portuguese.
June 22, 2004
Clarisource releases mMineClear 1.3 upgrade with game timer, scroll bars and more zoom modes. Available in English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, and Brazilian Portuguese.
Nov. 25, 2003
Clarisource releases new application, mSlotMachine.
Jan. 23, 2003
Clarisource wins round 1 of the Motorola-Symbol Bar Code Contest. Our XML Forms (xforms) based J2ME client was selected from 77 other contestants.
Sept. 24, 2002
mGolfCard Selected As Top 20 Application.
Clarisource's mGolfCard is a winner of the Asia Java Mobile Challenge Top 20 Applications! Our application was selected out of over 500 entries. See Asia Java Mobile Challenge for details.