Product Suggestions Download Support Technical Support FAQ: Sony Ericsson T610 User Guides | SupportClarisource would like to hear from you! We welcome your suggestions. Please send us an email with any suggestions for new products or improvements to current products. If you are having trouble downloading a Clarisource product that you purchased, please contact the carrier or publisher first. If you purchased from Handango or the Clarisource website (which uses Handango), for the fastest response please complete the Handango Customer Support online form at
User Guides are available for some products and may answer the questions that you have. If not, please feel free to contact us for assistance. If you are having problems downloading an application from Handango or Clarisource to a Sony Ericsson T610 and you are using the T-Mobile network then you will need to request a refund from Handango. T-Mobile's gateway is not compatible with the T610 and blocks all J2ME downloads. T-Mobile is aware of the problem, but will not correct it since they do not sell the J2ME software. We appolgize for the inconvience and suggest that you contact T-Mobile to complain.
User Guides are available for some products. All User Guides are in PDF format, so you will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print them. Please see the list below and click on the link to download.
Download PDF Reader
mGolfCard User Guide 1.3.1 (PDF Format)
mReversi User Guide 1.2 (PDF Format)
mSlotMachine User Guide 1.0 (PDF Format) Note: A payout table can be found in the User Guide.
mTipCalc User Guide 1.0.0 (PDF Format)
MyCupid User Guide 1.3.2 (PDF Format)
PassStore User Guide 1.2 (PDF Format)
| NewsSept. 6, 2005
Clarisource releases new application: AreaCodeSpy.
Dec. 20, 2004
We've added web demonstrations for mobile products to our website.
Sept. 7, 2004
Openwave is featuring Clarisource's mSlotMachine application for the month of September.
Aug. 20, 2004
Our website is re-designed with a new look and organization.
Aug. 5, 2004
Clarisource releases new application: mSolitaire. Available in 38 languages, standard and 30K versions.
July 8, 2004
Clarisource releases Spanish version of MyCupid.
July 7, 2004
Clarisource releases mReversi 1.12 upgrade with game timer, scroll bars and zoom modes. Available in English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, and Brazilian Portuguese.
June 22, 2004
Clarisource releases mMineClear 1.3 upgrade with game timer, scroll bars and more zoom modes. Available in English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, and Brazilian Portuguese.
Nov. 25, 2003
Clarisource releases new application, mSlotMachine.
Jan. 23, 2003
Clarisource wins round 1 of the Motorola-Symbol Bar Code Contest. Our XML Forms (xforms) based J2ME client was selected from 77 other contestants.
Sept. 24, 2002
mGolfCard Selected As Top 20 Application.
Clarisource's mGolfCard is a winner of the Asia Java Mobile Challenge Top 20 Applications! Our application was selected out of over 500 entries. See Asia Java Mobile Challenge for details.